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How to take care of your Rockports

Known for their outstanding durability, quality, and performance, in every situation, all Rockport footwear not only feels incredible, but will also stand the test of time.

However, in order to improve the longevity of your Rockports, it’s vital that you optimise your shoe care regime in order to ensure that they serve you well, come rain or shine.

Invest in the right shoe care products

One of the best ways to preserve the life of your Rockports before, during, and after use is to invest in the right shoe care products. After all, we spend a lot of time in our shoes, so it’s inevitable that they will succumb to everyday wear and tear at some point in their life.

As a general rule of thumb, when caring for your Rockports, you should adopt the following approach:


Protection is key to maintaining the condition of your Rockports, especially on rainy days or times when you’re exploring off the beaten track. A rain and stain repellent is perfect for both of these occasions, and is ideal for use on smooth leather surfaces.


Before you apply any shoe care products, all surfaces should be sparkling clean, but you should also clean your shoes every week too! Using a cleaner and conditioner, use a damp cloth to apply the solution to your Rockports and they will be good as new in no time at all.


When it comes to restoring your shoes, it requires much more than polishing. After all, nourishing your leather Rockport’s is just as important as moisturising your skin! Invest in a leather lotion and get into the habit of moisturising your shoes, tackling scratches and scruffs.